Witchy Sh!t
This page is about all things Witch, from my perspective. I am an Eclectic Witch that works with crystals, candles, herbs, and as all other Witches, the elements.
What is a Witch? One who works with nature and world elements to make the world a better place. We are also "Healers" and much more! I say "Healers" because the healing is done with herbs, nature and the one being "healed".

What is a Witch?
Here is what a Witch is- an Elemental Soul. The five points of a star with the two points on the bottom, the pentacle.
Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit, and Air. Witches use those elements to nurture and give life to human kind.
Witch is a name- Much like Mom, Brother, Teacher.
We practice everyday, learning herbs, Mother Nature, and so much more about Mother Earth.
The golden rule of nature- "leave it like you found it". Unless you found it a mess, then take that with you and nurture Mother Earth.
The five points of a star with the two points on the bottom, the pentacle.
Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit, and Air. Witches use those elements to nurture and give life to human kind.

Herbs and Witchcraft
Herbs and Pentacle Elements. It's important to understand these elements and how they work with herbs.
The five elements of the Pentacle are: Spirit, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air.
Spirit - As a Witch I pray to the Gods and Goddesses that my Herbs that I'm growing will serve their purpose- health, nourishment, prosperity, and anything else that is needed.
Water- All herbs need water to grown and water also has energy to grow well
Fire- When burning- smudging, spells, all things magic.
Earth- Earth is needed to grow most herbs, unless you use water only, which is possible. A lot of growing of herbs and plants is done with earth.
It is said that there are more herbs on Mother Earth than we even know about. And it is also said that there is a cure for every illness on Mother Earth.
Air- Air is a given. NO living thing can live without Air. Air is great for meditation too.
The Books I'm Learning from

Wheel of the Year, An Introduction of the Sabbots by Tamed Wild I could not find a link to the book, so I added a link to the website.

The Llewellyn's Witches Datebook 2025. I also have the calendar. I love this datebook. Lots of great information. And it's in binder form!

The Green Witch Your complete guide to the natural magic of herbs, flowers, essential oils, and more. By Arin Murphy-Hiscock