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Image by Elena Mozhvilo
Image by Renee Kiffin

Witchy Sh!t

This page is about all things Witch, from my perspective. I am an Eclectic Witch that works with crystals, candles, herbs, and as all other Witches, the elements. 

What is a Witch? One who works with nature and world elements to make the world a better place. We are also "Healers" and much more! I say "Healers" because the healing is done with herbs, nature and the one being "healed".

Image by Renee Kiffin

What is a Witch?

Here is what a Witch is- an Elemental Soul. The five points of a star with the two points on the bottom, the pentacle.

Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit, and Air. Witches use those elements to nurture and give life to human kind.


Witch is a name- Much like Mom, Brother, Teacher.


We practice everyday, learning herbs, Mother Nature, and so much more about Mother Earth.

The golden rule of nature- "leave it like you found it". Unless you found it a mess, then take that with you and nurture Mother Earth.


The five points of a star with the two points on the bottom, the pentacle.

Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit, and Air. Witches use those elements to nurture and give life to human kind.

Herbs and Witchcraft

 Herbs and Pentacle Elements.  It's important to understand these elements and how they work with herbs.

The five elements of the Pentacle are: Spirit, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air.

Spirit - As a Witch I pray to the Gods and Goddesses that my Herbs that I'm growing will serve their purpose- health, nourishment, prosperity, and anything else that is needed. 

Water- All herbs need water to grown and water also has energy to grow well

Fire- When burning- smudging, spells, all things magic.

Earth- Earth is needed to grow most herbs, unless you use water only, which is possible. A lot of growing of herbs and plants is done with earth.

It is said that there are more herbs on Mother Earth than we even know about. And it is also said that there is a cure for every illness on Mother Earth.

Air- Air is a given. NO living thing can live without Air.  Air is great for meditation too.

The Books I'm Learning from

Wheel of the Year


Samhain (pronounced Sow-win) is celebrated between October 31st and November 1st. This day is to Celebrate ancestors, and possibly communicate with them. It's a celebration with food, fire, candles and your altars. Credit for picture:


Yule is from December 20-25. Yule is about rebirth and renewal. Symbols include: Evergreens, holly, mistletoe, the Yule tree and log, and candles. *From The Wheel of the Year


Imbolc is from February 1-2 Imbolc is halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox- the crossroads. From what I understand this is when the Goddess Brigid is celebrated, which is Celtic


Beltane is from April into May Tree is Willow Crystal is Azurite Beltane is a time of dance, spellwork, handfasting, and so much more!


Litha is from June 20th-23rd Tree is Oak Crystal is Amber The heat of the Summer Solstice. Bonfires, dance, sweets and candles.


Ostara from March 20th to 23rd Tree is Alder Crystal is Azurite Ostara is the celebration of the beginning of Spring. It's a time of rebirth.This is also how Easter started. Eggs and the rabbit are the symbols of Ostara


Lughnasadh is August 1st Tree is Holly and the Crystal is Citrine Lughnasadh is for marking the passing from summer to autumn. The powerful Goddess, Tailtu, who is considered the Great One of the Earth.


Mabon is from September 20th to 23rd. Tree is the Vine and Crystal is Black Tourmaline Mabon is known as the Witch's Thanksgiving. A day filled with rituals of abundance, harvest and gratitude. Mabon is also the celebration of the Autumnal equinox. Picture credit is Wiccan Academy

More to come..


Crystals n Chi Healing is a virtual, remote, type of energy work and is not to be considered a substitute for conventional medicine. If you have a serious health issue, you should consult your doctor and make complementary Energy work part of a complete health care program. Crystals n Chi accepts no liability or responsibility for any action a Client chooses to take.

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Crystals n Chi, OR, USA

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