Hey there and welcome to my Blog! This is about manifesting!
The blogs that are from my Podcast, Charka Exploration, are directly from my OneNote and I don't edit them. I will also add the episode link to the blog. You have the choice of reading and or listening to the episode.
On with the Blog!
If you'd rather listen: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/g060ElqXHBb
This episode will touch on Manifesting or at least how I manifest.
To start- If your listening to this and driving or anything like that- Please listen to this entire episode with your eyes open.
To begin, Please relax-
Stretch your neck, stretch your back, your arms, etc. you get the idea
Then a thought- What makes you happy?
What is the one thing that makes you happy!
Now center that feeling and thought in your heart. And hold it there.
What do you want to Manifest? Accomplish, and hold that in your heart.
Now, Take that happiness and what you're thinking about that you want to accomplish and hold that thought as long as possible.
Then, Think of the details of that you wish to accomplish- little details
Then see it as it is happening. Go over it in your head that this is already happening.
Do this once or twice a day for as long as it takes for it to happen.
I personally light a candle and meditate. That's my Witchy side. I also ask my Spirit Guides and Witch ancestors for guidance. They will show you. They can be very tricky and loving.
I hope this helps you. Please comment how it works for you! I'd love to hear.
Love & Light,
Carol, Crystals n Chi